DIY Methods to fix QuickBooks Error H505
The H505 error code in QuickBooks indicates issues with shared user access to corporate data. Let’s examine this common H-category QB error in greater detail in this article. QB Multiple Mode, one of the numerous features of QB, allows many users to work on the same company file from other computers linked to a network.
On a shared space, you can access the document just as readily as you do on your pc. There is a problem, though, when QuickBooks cannot retrieve the document for any reason and presents the error H505. If you receive an error code that points to H505, read the entire article for detailed recovery suggestions.
What is QuickBooks Error H505?
The majority of the H-series errors that might happen in QuickBooks are brought on by network issues that arise when you try to access a company file that is housed on a server. When QB on the user’s computer is unable to connect with the other computer in the network hosting the company file, an error message with the error code H505 is display. This is because QuickBooks may experience connection problems with the server. This issue suggests that the network structure may be interfering with communication between various workstations in the system.
What Leads to QuickBooks Error Code H505?
The causes listed below may lead to error code H505:
- The QuickBooks Desktop software is not set up properly to host on the server holding the company file.
- Communication between the other systems in the network is hampere by a third-party firewall or Windows firewall.
- The most recent updates aren’t yet installed on QuickBooks Desktop.
- Network Data file (.ND) damage or corruption stops QB from connecting to other machines on the network.
Solutions to Resolve QB Error Code H505
Solution 1: Perform a QuickBooks Application Update
The QB software is frequently update to fix niggling issues and deliver an improved edition to consumers. You can implement this solution to fix (QuickBooks) error H505 by performing the following actions:
- Open QuickBooks Desktop, then select the Help tab’s About QB option.
- Select the Update Now option in the Update QuickBooks window.
- Opt for the options New Features, Maintenance Releases, and Reset updates.
- Select “Get Update” from the menu that appears.
- When QuickBooks asks you to install updates, restart it and choose Install Now.
- After the updates have been configure, reboot your PC and attempt to launch the corporate file once more.
Read it also: Solving Multiple Server Error H101 in QuickBooks
Solution 2: New Folder for Company Files Creation
- The business file can be move to resolve error H505.
- Navigate to the machine that has the firm file’s folder using the file browser.
- Please make a new directory and place the company file inside of it.
- When you right-click the folder, the properties menu will appear.
- Choose Advanced Sharing from the menu under Share.
- Select the Permissions button after selecting the Folder sharing checkbox.
- After choosing the Full Control checkbox for the Everyone Group, click Apply and OK.
- Provide your consent to attempt launching the corporate file from the main computer once more.
Solution 3: Control Computer Hosting
You can resolve the problems and challenges with the multi-user feature by altering your server parameters. So, perform the following actions:
- Launch QuickBooks on your desktop, and then, in the Utility area of the File tab, click the Suspend Hosting Multi-User Setup button.
- On the server where the company file is located, launch QuickBooks and select Host Multi-User Configuration from the Files -> Utilities menu.
- Try to open the company file once more after restarting the Workstation and the Server.
Solution 4: Check interaction between computer and central computer.
- If you’re still having issues, open the Connection and Sharing Center in the Control Panel.
- Make sure the Switch on Network Discovery option is select in the Connection Discovery and File and Printer sharing section by selecting the Change Extended Sharing Setup option.
- After that is done, launch the Run box
- To open the Command Line software, type CMD and press Enter or OK.
- When your screen turns dark, type the ipconfig/all instruction and hit Enter to execute it.
- Quit the command prompt tab after noting the server name.
- On the workstation computer, open the same control program and enter the command ping(server name) without the parentheses.
- If the server receives every data packet supplied by this command, there won’t be any packet loss, suggesting that the server and workstation connection is stable.
- On each computer that displays error code H505, repeat these procedures.
- Contact your IT staff for extra help investigating if some desktops aren’t able to receive all of the protocols sent to the server.
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Solution-5: Install Windows Firewall
- Press Windows + R to open Control Panel, then hit Enter to look for Windows Firewall.
- Choose to let software to pass across the Windows Firewall.
- Click to modify the settings.
- Check the box next to the Public list in the QB program.
- If QuickBooks isn’t shown, choose “Allow” a different app and browse QuickBooks. After clicking OK, choose the Public option for the application.
- Click OK and attempt to open the company file on the workstation once more if error H505 is still present.
Solution 6: Activate the File Doctor program.
- The H-category problem codes can be quickly and easily fixed by using the QBFD Tool. After scanning all of the files, this application automatically repairs flaws.
- Make sure QB Utility Center is set up and linked to the network on your server machine before starting this procedure.
- Install QuickBooks Utility Center, then employ its QuickBooks File Doctor Program to correct any mistakes and issues after receiving approval.
Solution 7: Check the Services on the Central Computer
- This patch checks to see if QB services are active on the host computer. The following actions should be taken by QuickBooks users for QuickBooksDBXX and QBCFMonitorService in that specific order.
- By entering Run into the Start menu, the server system’s Run tab can be launch.
- In this field, you must input Services
- Additionally, to access the Startup type section of the automated tab in QB, double-click QuickBooksDBXX.
- Select the Start tab if the service status is not running or starting as it should be. The next step is to restart the service after choosing the Recovery option from all the drop-down boxes.:
- By selecting Apply > OK, all changes will be saved.
- Repetition is require for QBCFMonitorservice.
Visit it also: Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error Code H303
Summing Up
Since network problems are the cause of error H505, it’s possible that you will get the error again or that it won’t go away even if you perform the techniques to fix the issue. In such circumstances, we advise seeking expert assistance by calling our hotline number +18557381472 at any time of the day. We also suggest visiting to find out more information about QuickBooks.
Q.1: What is QuickBooks error code H505?
A: When QuickBooks on the user’s computer is unable to connect with the other computer in the network that is hosting the company file, an error message with the error code H505 is display. Seeing error H505 is an indicator that there are issues in the setting up of the network. This in turn can put hinder on the communication between computers within the network.